MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei: 1 W.C.R. § 120 120920201252 COVID-19 & Political Justice

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Greetings and welcome: By the power and grace of God’s Holy Spirit these writings are written to help you absorb and understand both the character of the Holy Spirit and the judgment of God.  There is much to learn about the work of God’s Holy Spirit whose sovereignty gives us perfect freedom and encourages us to live good lives.  Here we also learn about Providence.  The providence of God is not limited to any one religion or period of time in history;  Rather it is the understanding and recognition of the guidance and prevalence of God in human affairs.

“Every single conspiracy must stop!” JC 

Today’s Message. 

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Chateau Versailles: December 9,  2020: UTC + 14: Hello and welcome.  With so many beautiful days and nights passing by, it is hard to imagine that our world is in tribulation, but it is.    I can imagine many past judgments happening in the same way.  The good part is, that the Holy Spirit makes it clear that God is judging the world, making it easy for me to work, minister, prosecute and write inside this context.  I pray you have nice day.

South Dakota  

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General Welcome & Information

If you are new to our service, welcome. This service is a courtesy. I welcome all major religions, Muslim Christians and the Catholic Church. We invite you to visit us and you can call our offices any time you want. Political news and general information from the media are in a state of emergency. Every day this emergency and all the dangerous conspiracies continue, so also do the processes that give justice to the people. I give you all my peace


Each day around the world brings new opportunities and also new scenarios.  It is important to pray and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit.  Welcome to the world judgment of God at the world crown’s emergency writing and services website. For those of you who are new I welcome you and advise you to read as much as you can to catch up.   Right now we are in a period of time called tribulation. Tribulation means God is judging the world. Tribulations can last a long time and the Holy Spirit determines their end.

To make life comfortable for those not under prosecution we suggest music and reading.  We also write about different themes throughout our network such as nature, animals, human interests, business, ecology and even fashion etcetera.  I am doing my best to also give you a nice writing ministry, in fiction, non-fiction and religious writing limiting my prosecutorial writings but not abandoning them entirely. We would still get justice without a lot judgment writings.

It is good to share information about the judgment of God with each and help save each other. The Bible and the Koran and even Hindu & Zorastrian scripture have many judgment writings as well that still apply to modern times.  God is the same today as yesterday.   Our traditional Holy books and our own personally written testaments are what we have historically used during a tribulation of God, a time when God has the earth on trial. Now we have mass media, the internet and modern writings as well so we can read about our current tribulation. The writings which explain why God is judging the world deal with the same mistakes humans have made historically which can be read in history as well as holy books.

I want to encourage those who pray to continue praying and always asking the Holy Spirit for a good blessing on the judgment of God.  Have a nice day.  May the Holy Spirit continue to save the good people an d help us to help each other.    Diary & Testament Entry 1203042020


To us who are not in conspiracy welcome to the music ministry.  The Virgin Mary is known as the Empress in China & Mongolia.  She is the empress of hearts and has many days and celebrations dedicated to her.  She is expected to reappear on the Chinese calendar more stronger than she is today.

Music Therapy

Welcome to our music therapy.  Classical music can make people think and even pray to the Holy Spirit.   Music is to be enjoyed.

Classical Music

The whole purpose of easy listening music is to help you relax.  The music we choose is the music we love, but it is still a suggestion. Sometimes we repeat or continue the same song for little while. But it helps you to get started. Music is often used by people to minister to themselves.  This is a large world and I want you to listen to your favorite music always.

Here are some easy listening songs to get you started should you decide to enjoy some music.


Faith is believing in God without seeing God yet every day the Holy Spirit can be seen in the Flora & Fuana that thrive in our forests and neighborhoods;  in the waters of the great ocean and in the life it carries. In the clouds and in the stars at night, we can see the glory of our Holy Spirit .  In the goodness of each other and even in the love we receive from our pets; even in the music we love, we can perceive the goodness, the touch and the love of our Holy Spirit.

MMXII  Judgment of God Study References

In the end of all this, every good testament written by my hands and yours will make for some excellent new literacy, scripture and history.

Precedence & Dictionary of Terms


We wait in Mazatlan for meaningful and symbolic contact from the outside world, especially the Vatican, Islam & all Major Religions whose leadership  have also suffered a great justice. There is nothing to be ashamed about.   My liaison, member of the board of directors for the Angelcraft Foundation and family priest Father John Bradly (Friar Tuck) has died of natural causes leaving no one in my heart to take his place.

As of today no important visits or telephone calls worth reporting have been made to our offices in Mazatlan by any lawyers representing news agencies, regulators or politicians which have been brought to justice . I pray everything remain peaceful as God’s justice works for us in every part of our world.


Please always try to be good people .  Make sure always to pray and to find your peace with God.  The care of the Holy Spirit will always be there for you.  So will the judgment of God when you get overwhelmed

Today is another day of peace, another day of work and another day of rest.  Today is also another day of justice.  Today new  political terrorists have been identified, qualified and will be brought to justice.  We pray no one follows in their path.

 A Prayer 

Search me oh spirit, forgive me my sins and help me daily.  Let me not worry your children with unnecessary words, but let your justice be felt throughout the earth.  Let it  resound through the world falling like a small drop of dew from the leaf of a weeping branch creating ripples in a quiet lake unnoticed by your fish which feed on the mosquitos at its surface. Let justice work its course quietly allowing good families and people to work and rest undisturbed.  Help us to absorb this great justice and what it means to our lives, our world and our future.  JC

Judgment Speak

The Holy Spirit is loving, kind and gentle and always blesses the Judgment of God. This is because people become corrupt. For political power and wealth, corrupt people working individually or together in conspiracy can be very dangerous and must be brought to justice. God’s justice is different from the justice of corrupt people who do things according to their own understanding..

The Holy Spirit is a loving mother and father who never forces anyone to do anything. Like a good father or mother, the Holy Spirit gives us good advice as to how to live and we are compelled and encouraged to live moral and productive lives and to choose good over evil.

The Holy Spirit gave us good laws, even the ten commandments, but the ten commandments are never forced. Take notice how often and repeatedly the people of corruption have broken the ten commandments.

And the grace of God for not punishing us for breaking the law is something to be admired, However, it is written that we should not put God to the test. The vengeance of God is something to be feared, respected and admired for a corrupt people shall not forever rule over the earth.

In order for any civilization to thrive the law must be obeyed. Even the corrupt want their laws obeyed. But when the corrupt break the law, even their own laws and children, men and women are caused to suffer or die for racial, atheist, cult, occult or political purposes, their aggression must be corrected, if not, brought to justice & judged by God. 11092020

Insights from History

In the judgment of God the serpents are confronted every day.  If they are not healed, they are defeated and brought to justice. The Divine Judgment of God has left many traces in our historical and art record.  Where serpents are defeated, there are the beginnings of a great lost legend of where the Holy Spirit helped us to overcome a great conspiracy. Medusa is one of those legends. Everything that is written about the Medusa resembles nothing of the original story where she defeated a great conspiracy of men who behead her in their femnicide legends. The contrary is true. With the help of the Holy Spirit, men were brought to justice by God  while Woman helped ruling as Empress of the world.  Heraklese did the same thing.

Today another conspiracy attacks us. It is  very similar to all previous conspiracies in history which have been judged by God.

Heraklese is the name of our North American bald eagle one of several mascots representing the World Crown and a symbol of the Judgment of God . The serpents represent a murderous conspiracy of lies. Even before Saint Patrick Judged the world, the serpent was used to represent a murderous liars conspiracy. It is said that Saint Patrick also got rid of all the serpents and it was one of his miracles. The snakes also represent the mythical conspiracy beast written about in the Bible. This beast, whose appendages are represented by snakes. is modeled after the octopus that regrows a limb after one is chopped off.

News & Information 

Our news network is a respite from the norm.  We feel our approach is an adequate response to current problems with information and the news emergency created by terrorists. Inadequate communication to our offices together with many other factors is helping to turn our news services more into an educational mass media warning system.  We feel it is wise for the average person to stay away from popular mass media, political news and general information.  We feel that if information is important that the average person get information directly in person from banks, businesses and government.  When direct information matches up with the news, it is only a strategy by information terrorists to get people to believe in a false international political power grid. COVID-19 is a part of that political conspiracy. Coronavirus international terrorism also works to depress economies and create anarchy. These are days to pray as the judgment of God brings to justice all conspiracies that terrorists have set against good people of this world.

If you are new to MMXII and in need of an alternate source of news and information please also consider Angelcraft Media products. They can be translated into any language.   Angelcraft Planet  News Network  APNN is a hub where you can read posts from different areas of the Angelcraft Emergency Network. AEN  Crown Press Communications is also another hub and location where you can access our religious writings.   My prayers are with you and my peace I give you.  May the peace of the Holy Spirit which surpasses all understanding, also be with you.

Angelcraft Crown Media & News company is in association with the world crown ministry of news.  So for an alternative source of news and information please consider.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Escritorio de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft La Couronne Monde Chateau Versailles.

By Faith

These are very special days as the Holy Spirit works around the world to rescue  good people in every nation.    We too must work to rescue each other.  Good business practices must resume. Buildings must continue to open.

A lack of help and criminal communication from the COVID-19 political conspiracy, together with mass media news and general information, work to conspire against us. We must climb out from their COVID-19 terrorist communication pit . COVID-19 terrorists are a brood of vipers.

Due to a lack of good communication and perfect administrative support in business & government, we have to resume our world by faith every chance we get. Progress is different in each nation, however the least successful of nations is just as important as the more successful nation. We have to remove economic barriers desined by terrorist to depress us and create anarchy. We must get aviation and travel working better.

 I remind everyone that the world crown (One world under God’s Holy Spirit) is the central authority.  We remind all nations and governments of the importance of doing away with COVID-19’s psychological & depressive effects on people, businesses and the economy.  All conspiracies must stop or be stopped by God.  We prefer that people involved in conspiracy learn to  tell the truth and learn to stop conspiring on their own.

Today is another day of work, another day of peace and another day of justice.   Today people who do not believe in God are reminded how important faith is.   I accept responsibility for the judgement and also join my prayers with those of good people around the world. I pray and ask for wisdom and peace to continue always to diffuse down to all of us daily . I give thanks to our Holy Spirit for attending our prayers. (JCSEP192020)

I can be contacted in Mazatlan  (52) 669- 954-0380

Special words

The hard parts of life are always understood better by prayer.   To the families, friends and close relatives of the men who have been judged and brought to justice, the world crown offers our deepest sympathies.  A bright and positive future awaits.

For people who take communion

If your church is still closed because of COVID-19 terrorism you can take communion at home. Make sure to pray over your communion and give thanks.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

Today’s Judgment December 9,  2020

Before God’s Holy Spirit, as prosecutor and judge, I Jose Maria Chavira M.S. testify to the truth to all matters handled by this court that brings final justice to the People. The jurisdiction of this court supercedes all courts and prevails in all matters of great importance.  Its authority is made manifest by Providence through acts of God.

Under the authority of Providence,  the court of the world crown representing the judgment of God titled MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei assigns an official writ of judgment marked as 1 W.C.R. § 120920201252 to those who will be brought to justice today for COVID-19 & Political terrorism.  A verdict of guilty has been generated for crimes that include but are not limited to:

A sufficient amount of time has passed for lawyers & administrations representing mass media agencies and distributers of news; as well as those that participate knowingly in COVID-19 & political terrorism, to make contact with Jose Maria Chavira M.S. the presiding authority of this court.   Today’s record  is entered into the world crown’s court records and notice is given here to the general public.

A Continuance

The court of world crown by the grace and power of God’s Holy Spirit finds it necessary to continue in the Judgment of God known as MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei.   New sets of terrorists have been defined. These new sets of terrorists will be stopped from continuing in conspiracy against the People and will be today brought to justice for the safety of the free world.

By the evidence placed before me today, the existence and the continuance of conspiracies against the People have been confirmed.  For the public record new sets of terrorists working in conspiracy are found guilty today of numerous high crimes which include but are not limited to (1 W.C.P.C. § M1 & 1 W.C.P.C. § M2). The judgment of God is applied directly to terrorists.  It is a process that involves very precise procedures and protocols after all efforts of prayer & intervention have been exhausted. Justice through world crown tribune published as a courtesy to the general public.

In continuance, the terrorist conspiracy under judgment and which is being brought to justice works to further dangerous political, sexual, religious & philosophical conspiracies. The crimes associated with this conspiracy include but are not limited to: child & human trafficking, femincide, murder in every degree, racial murder, ritual murder, serial murder & mass murder etcetera.  As a result,  a verdict of guilty marked as 1 W.C.R. § 120920201252: has been generated. Today’s guilty verdict is placed on new sets of terrorists of the conspiracy whose day it is to face the judgment of this court. The world crown is empowered by its creator and blessed by God’s Holy Spirit to bring justice to the world.

By the power and authority of God’s Holy Spirit, the world crown offers its full support to People, business and government under the transparency established by the world crown for the settling of all human affairs. The world crown promises that justice and the providence of God’s Holy Spirit will prevail to help us in all matters of life, business and government. By the grace of God’s Holy Spirit the world crown advises and reminds government of the importance of stopping all conspiracies and opening up churches, banks, businesses and returning people back to work and to a better state of living.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Escritorio de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft La Couronne Monde Chateau Versailles.

A little bit about blind justice

Blind justice is a principle of the judgment of God.  There are many ways blind justice works.  When you see the Goddess Justitia wearing the blindfold this indicates she is protected from the all the elements of the judgment which could cause her to be bias.  A form of blind justice also works inside you as it does me.  This means you do not always get to know all the details of the judgement of God or who is getting judged minute by minute. This means we have to trust God.  This should come easy for people used to having faith in God.

 The public has been given a lot of information about the causes of the judgment the crimes which has called it into existence, but there is great wisdom in God keeping us blind during the justice process and not giving us every single detail.  We could not handle reading and understanding the judgment of God in each of its aspects.    Blind justice also helps to keep society and good people calm and peaceful.

The public has been given a sufficient information and sample of some prominent people who have been brought to justice.  This was necessary in order to have a sufficient  base of evidence by which to continue bringing to justice the mass media political news and information conspiracy set against all of you.   Doing this allows you also to measure the political climate by simple observation.  If by observation, you still see or read about a leader or president in the news which has been brought  to justice, this means the conspiracy has not stopped and is still being brought to justice by the forces of God.

Without mentioning any names of people or governments, the justice and the providence of God will prevail again today around the world to save us, protect us and liberate us from every conspiracy in motion that is set against us. This is also another way of blind justice. 

During the judgment of God, the days may seem quite ordinary, but it is important to remain in a watchful, prayerful  and prepared state until all conspiracies are defeated and even after.  Naturally we sometimes suffer inconveniences during this process which is why we should pray and do the best we can to reorganize when judgment of God impacts the areas where we live.

COVID-19 Justice

The initial group that started COVID-19 have been brought to justice.  Many more acts of justice against the COVID-19 conspiracy have followed.  The conspiracy that gives you the cure for COVID-19 will also be brought to justice. This is because COVID-19 was not a real virus to begin with. Everything that concerns COVID-19 can be falsified to try to make it true.   COVID-19 is corruption, a conspiracy of lies and pure terrorism.  It was and still remains the political strategy of a conspiracy whose most dangerous members daily get brought to justice.  After the supposed cure of COVID-19 in the mass media takes place, more justice against the political conspiracy is sure to follow. They might even throw a  COVID-19 heroe’s ticker tape parade. But whoever is in conspiracy on that day will be brought to justice and not get to join in on the fun.

For Doctors & Students of Medicine 

A doctor follows the rules set before them about COVID-19. But they should be smarter and have better ethics than to trust a profession that they know is compromised to white supremacy methods of medicine.  White supremacy medicine is dedicated to terrorist control over peoples lives.  But in a much larger picture and without naming any nation, Ango-Saxon racial supremacy has long history of discovering diseases that kill people and unleashing them on the public, especially in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the United States and Latin America: These same methods are also used to kill Anglo-Saxons who do not meet the racial or political criteria of racial supremacy.

If you are atheist, by the time this over, you will no longer be an atheist.  If you are you would not be fit to be doctor and care for people.  And so remember to take time in your busy schedule to give thanks to the Holy Spirit who makes possible your profession. Perhaps the Holy Spirit’s greatest wisdom for all the problems we have is for us to love one another other and for us not hurt each other.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Escritorio de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft La Couronne Monde Chateau Versailles.

Rule making, legislation & procedures

COVID-19, political conspiracy, rule making & legislation are hot areas of world crown justice.  If anything goes wrong it is because of these areas inside which terrorist ignore the greater crimes with which their conspiracy is associated.    The justice process is focused directly stopping every single terrorist conspiracy which keep us from achieving good communication with each other and right government in every country.

Questions & Answers

Question?  “How do you stop the Judgment of God? “

Answer: By listening and paying attention to the words of the prophet.  By repenting and stopping all conspiracies and not starting any new conspiracies.  The last step is to consult with the World Crown  and work with the world crown towards the signing of new international peace accords, the universal declaration of Independence and finally a blessing from God’s Holy Spirit on the re-establishment of your new nation. It is that easy.   The world crown is established to help every nation during these critical and historical days.


Where there is truth and goodness may progress be blessed. The reason you only get COVID-19 information, terror, lies and  no political truth is because is because people in actual physical control of terrorist information are not government.   Government officials and people who knowingly conspire against citizens and their countries best interests will of course be brought to justice as usual.  Nothing has changed with regards to the criteria of the justice processes.   Things are getting better every day. This is because there are less and less terrorist each day and some even repent and change their ways like Saul of Tarsus once did.


COVID-19 continues to be a hot area of judgment.  Those still working with COVID-19 to keep it going will be brought to justice.  COVID-19 protocols to reduce terror have been put into effect.  Our review if this current problem will be made available as needed.

A prayer

I pray for everyone who have been diagnosed by doctors with COVID-19.    I pray for everyone  who thinks they have COVID-19.  I pray for everyone who is psychologically or physically sick for whatever reason.  I pray for everyone who are inconvenienced by terrorists rules and news daily.  I hold up the good people in prayer as I do the innocent and the those not informed.   May God’s Holy Spirit help us to be more intelligent and wiser as each day passes.- JC


Religion begins inside the soul.  It starts with the desire to reconnect with God’s Holy Spirit while also working to be better person.


God is a title held in great esteem by men.  Why would we not call our Holy Spirit God?  People say Jesus is God.  Why not our Holy Spirit? As long as people worship God, the Holy Spirit must be honored as God.  The Holy Spirit is a good God, the only God.

Doomsday & Judgment

It is not the end of the world.  God is not punishing people.  Terrorist are being brought to justice.  It is terrorists who need to worry.  I thank my Holy Spirit and ask for the blessing of today’s Judgment against terrorists, violent anarchists, political terrorism, COVID-19 terrorism and all conspiracies that terrorists refuse stop.


God is good to bring your oppressors to justice every day. Nothing escapes the Judgment of God. Every detail of the oppression and conspiracy is held against terrorists.  Given a chance to stop, each Judgment waits patiently. God’s Holy Spirit is indeed fair in the Judgment of God. God’s Holy Spirit will not forsake us.  We should not forsake each other.   Be at peace and let the Judgement of God free you.  Go to work like usual and get lots of rest and make to time for prayer, friends, family and the people you love.  Do not be afraid to hug each other and to be close to each other.

The Bible

We advise the use of regular bibles over internet bibles.  If the internet is all you have do the best you can and make sure to pray to God’s Holy Spirit for guidance.   Old bibles are easy to find especially in public libraries. Talk to a pastor or a priest as to where you can buy a good bible or even get one for free.

Internet Bible Wisdom

If it does not sound right, use your  bible to check the Chapter and Verse.  Aquarius our living water is one of our websites . Origins and Development of Faith  is an easy to use, easy to understand religious website good for the whole family.  It is still being constructed and old writings have yet be reviewed, but I trust God’s Holy Spirit to guide you and give you wisdom for all my writings.  When troubled by any spiritual writings that you read on the internet or elsewhere, consider good basic educational material, science & math stuff that they teach in schools. Good education such as hard math and sound scientific teaching comes from God’s Holy Spirit and is like scripture.  Just stay away from theories where you are told you come from monkeys or animals of the ocean.  Those are not true.  Evolution is a theory and unproven.  It is not sound science and has been disproven on many occasions even by scientists of the conspiracy.  Old educational textbooks are easy to find and fun to read.  Also look to the pages of your Holy Books for comfort and peace.   Your Bible, Quran or good Holy Book are in your keeping alone.

General Wisdom

We are in a mass media political news and information conspiracy. I advise prayer and call for repentance.  Speaking to all conspirators.  “Every conspiracy in motion must stop!”

 A quick message to good people.

The Judgment of God will clear the way.  Make sure to help each other as best you can as the justice of God and the Judgment of God works its course every day around the world.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

These writings are written to help all of you inside each nation. These writings are judged and inspected by God’s Holy Spirit so that all of you might learn why great forces of God are in motion and why terrorists are being brought to justice.

These same forces also help us to police and reshape our world. Our world is one in which we must learn to participate in more while daily avoiding the news and information of terrorists who try to create sicknesses, false politics and laws to control your every movement.  I encourage you to help each other and to pray every day.   The Judgment of God will not fail you.

These writings are written to help all of you in every nation.  These writings are instructions and wisdom to help all of you understand the Judgment of God that daily works to bring you equity and justice. These writings of Judgment and instruction are written to give justice to the good people of this earth. They are truthfully written to help all of you and instruct all of you in matters of great urgency. A wise people will read them, repent and will increase in learning from these writings. These writings will help us in each nation to better or create wise counsels that will serve us in each nation.

Welcome to emergency services by the world crown

Greetings and Hello:  We are working in UTC +14 universal time. We have started an educational channel that analyzes and studies the media of our past and there will be writings and comments on this media. This new website. MHE & HM&I were created to inspire new education and the creation of future educational textbooks that help us to correct the mistakes of our past.  In the media the mistakes of civilization as well as the good things we have done can be reviewed by any world citizen using their own powers of analysis.  All teachers, people and professors are encouraged to take notice and even consider planning or even creating their own forums. Future textbooks will reflect and include all the details of the international mass media political news & information conspiracy 2011- to the present.  Please also enjoy our presentation Rolex presents: South Face Annapurna (Extended) here with us or at YouTube. Youtube also makes an excellent place to study media past, present, and future on a white or black format.

We have reintroduced CCBM in the continued absence of communication by regulatory news authorities.

Public Health & General Emergency Notice

Hello & Greetings: For those of you just joining us for the first time, mass media political news and general information remain in a state of emergency. Mass media news and information has not been working right since 2011-2012 and terrorists are  brought to justice daily for continuing it.   Every conspiracy that has been set in motion  must stop!    


La Couronne Monde Château Versailles

December 9,  2020: MMXII: Welcome to MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei La Courrone Monde Chateau Versailles.  Greetings & Hello:  We offer news in every language of this world.  We are an important provider of news.   Since 2011-2012 when the Judgement of God started, I have not been called or visited by any representative or lawyer representing any news agency, regulatory commission or any of the politicians who have been denounced publicly, judged and brought to justice by God. Our offices are always open and I make myself readily available every day.  Terrorists being judged is truly a terrible and frightening thing. It is not good to be a terrorist these days.  I do not like to write a lot about the details of such things. May the good people be helped and saved every day.  Jose Maria Chavira M.S.

Emergency information 

 Prayer to God’s Holy Spirit is vital to our success.  Good communication with each other is vital to our success.

Emergency Procedures 

The police, the military and government must work to stop every conspiracy that terrorists have put into motion in life, government and business. Businesses and schools must work not put terrorist rules into effect especially those that work to keep  the people scared and which perpetuate the COVID-19 psychological conspiracy or any conspiracy that works to undermine the human condition.  

Phase 1

  • The poor & people always must be helped
  • There must be good daily communication between government workers and myself.
  • Daily contact with my offices is advisable .

 Phase 2

  • The poor & people always must be helped.
  • There must be good daily communication between government workers.
  • Government must work to restore confidence
  • There must be good daily communication between government workers and myself.
  • Daily contact with my offices is advisable .

If things go wrong and contact with me is made difficult, it is because there is still a problem with terrorists and extremism.  Their must be better contact and communication with me in Mazatlan, Mexico (669) 954-0380. This is where I am right now.

Legal Disclosure

If there are any legal problems left in the wake of the Judgment of God, the world crown will handle all lawyers and all class action lawsuits related to the mistakes people have made in each business and government because of terrorism.

What I do

During this mass media political and information crises, the World Crown involves itself in all matters of justice. God’s Holy Spirit does a tremendous amount of work for us.  Matters of world government are first about bringing terrorists to justice and saving as many lives as possible from the conspiracy.

I  daily pray, I evaluate my surroundings and also evaluate the condition of the  mass media political news and information conspiracy.  Most media is a mixture of truth and political lies. It is not a good practice to mix real news with false news to make the people believe in the false news.

I stay away from television, mass media and radio and I take naps as I need them. I have purchased masks in case I need them. I will do whatever I have to in order to be peacefully about my affairs.  It is important to be peaceful..  By prayer, I commend every injustice committed by terrorists against you to God’s Holy Spirit asking for a blessing on the Judgment of God each day.


COVID-19 Justice is in effect every day

When outside  

Try to live peacefully and pray every day.  Make sure not to be afraid to go outside. When you go shopping or to the offices of government and you are told to stand apart, then stand apart.  Do whatever is told to you by police, government and the military.  I am working to help stop all the problems which affect you every day.

If I lived in the mountains

If I lived in the mountains, I would visit God’s trees for free berries and fresh fruits every day. I would drink fresh pure water from the waterfalls and and walk along the river in my very own way.

If I lived in the mountains, I would eat vegetables and play with the bears and even the hares.

If I lived in the mountains, I would breath the fresh air and absorb the scent of pine.

If I lived in the city

If I lived in the city, I would live to my fullest and not read any news.  I would not care about diseases and would exercise every day. If I lived in the city, I would search for a little used dog or cat to call my own,  If I did this, the city would be my home.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

The confirmed use of mysticism by terrorists and terrorist actions and inaction continue to be the main indicators that terrorist have no intentions of stopping their conspiracies.

To our favor,  no amount of news, or arguments by terrorist will stop the Judgment of God.  God sees all things, knows all things and has reasoned all things. The Judgment of God cleanses and heals the earth daily as you know.  May God’s Holy Spirit continue to help, to teach and to save the good people.

 My best sentiments.

Hello and Greetings: I sometimes read and review my writings about the prosecution of the conspiracy wondering if I am not to harsh.  I always write hoping that people will come to their senses. I want so badly to be and write like a normal person, but I am who I am and I must do what I am expected to do by God’s Holy Spirit. Being in the presence of God’s Holy Spirit is pure knowledge and intelligence. I have related that knowledge and intelligence to you. Whether what I do is used for good or for evil, the Judgment of God, and time will determine the worth of our work to help protect you from terrorism. With all the greatest expectations from my Holy Spirit, I pray and work prayerfully every day. I know everything will work out to the favor of the majority. That would be us the general public. I consider myself on the side of people who are caused to suffer.  It hurts me to watch society and good people suffer under the decisions of men and women who think they know better than God’s Holy Spirit. The Judgment of God clears the air every day. May God’s Holy Spirit save the good people every day.

Introduction to the Judgment of God

December 9,  2020: Welcome to MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei La Courrone Monde Chateau Versailles.  Greetings and good day from Mazatlan.   Terrorist crimes for which they are in judgment are: conspiracy to coverup murder in every degree. Accomplices to murder in every degree. Conspiracy to coverup massacres and mass murder, accomplices to massacres and mass murder, Conspiracy to traffic in children, Conspiracy to coverup child trafficking etcetera.

The crimes committed by terrorists are: terrorism, bioterrorism, child trafficking, the practice of child and human sacrifice offered to moloch (satan). Other crimes committed by terrorists in conspiracy include but are not limited to: racial killings, and the killing of many children, women and men. To achieve these crimes terrorists used every form of conspiracy, murder, mass murder, reprisal, biological warfare, genocide & ethnic cleansing etcetera.


Today again I pray  to God’s Holy Spirit.  I pray you are strengthened to continue on in life in the absence of those who will be Judged by God and brought to justice.  I ask God’s Holy Spirit to answer prayers and feed the poor people and animals every day and provide a way to get food and water to the poor.  I know that what I ask for will be done and I thank God’s Holy Spirit for listening to my prayers.  May the good people be saved every day.

 MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

The Prayer 

I come again before God’s Holy Spirit in all hope and love for those of us who have done no wrong.  I pray God’s Holy Spirit to help all of us peacefully around the world to open up our economies again.  I accept all responsibility for the Judgment of God for this next wave of judgments.  I also place before our Holy Spirit every need, every hope and every prayer and I give thanks and praise to God’s Holy Spirit for blessing the judgement of God.  In this judgment of God those who oppress shall be brought to justice hoping that none shall follow their footsteps.  In this judgment of God, I place before our Holy Spirit the needs of the aged, the sick and those who are suffering asking for their blessing and that peace and good health may fill their minds and bodies.

Our Holy Spirit is the only God.  Our Holy Spirit is tender and kind  and brings forth bread from the earth and every fruit from its vine and all things that are good to eat.  I bless and offer thanks to our Holy Spirit who has no name.  My peace I give you and may the Holy Spirit help us to continue in the absence of those who will be brought to justice.

JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 



The providential eagle of the world crown is modeled on the providential eagle of Mexico.  The providential eagle is used by Mexico, the United States and other countries.  The providential eagle is a symbol of the providence of God our Holy Spirit.  The eagle is known as Aguila Sanctus and E Pluribus Unum two of its many names. E Pluribus Unum means of the many, there is only one God, a Holy Spirit who is mother and father to us all.

Because our eagle fights against the conspiracy we also use the name Heraklese (Hercules) to describe our world crown providential eagle.  We feel this is a good way to remind us about the past. The same types of conspiracies that we face today have been defeated before.    The eagle is one of several mascots representing the World Crown. In the most modern interpretation our eagle who fights the conspiracy, is a symbol of the Judgment of God MMXII like all other paradigms before it . The serpents in our world crown logo represent a murderous conspiracy. Even before Saint Patrick Judged the world, the serpent was used to represent the liar.  In the lost legend of Mexico, the Mexican eagle of providence removes the serpent, which represents the liar,  from our world. In reality, it is actually a conspiracy which is defeated. It is said that Saint Patrick also got rid of all the serpents (liars)  and it was one of his miracles. The snakes also represent the mythical conspiracy beast written about in the Bible. This beast, whose appendages are represented by snakes. is modeled after the octopus that regrows a limb after one is chopped off.

JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 

JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 




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